Tuesday 6 March 2007

Missing In Action...

4 weeks, 5 days post-op.

Weight (as of last Saturday): 13.11lbs
Total weight lost: 2 stone 6lbs

I think I should start with an apology. I am sorry for being so neglectful of the blog. The blog that has kept me sane when the days seemed long and lacking in foody comforts. Well I will endeavour to write a post everyday again. No excuses.

So where am I up to? Well, I am almost a week on sloppy food and it has been a bit of a tough one to adjust to if I am truthful. I think I quite liked the comfort blanket of the soup / smoothie regime. We have been ever so good and have sat in the dining room every evening for our dinner. Jack has been getting into the spirit of things and has hunted out the pretty tea-light holders. We put the fire on, choose some tunes and Jack lights all 10 candles. Bless him :) We both agree that it feels like we are going out to dinner every night. Except I cook and Jack washes the dishes.

I am eating the same as Jack for the evening meal except I blend mine, divide it in half and take the remaining half to work the next day for my lunch. It’s blummin great for our food bill. Poor old Jack is having much healthier food, except half the time he doesn’t realise it. Here’s a selection of what we have had for the evening meals this week:

Thursday: Chicken casserole done in the slow cooker all day, loads of veggies in it and a quarter of a roast butternut squash.

Friday: Roasted parsnip and squash, green beans, carrots and M&S ‘Just Cook’ Pork Medallions.

Saturday: Made a huge lean mince beef chilli added a ton of veggies and kidney beans. Roast butternut squash.

Sunday: Chilli again but with more roast carrots, parsnip and squash.

Monday: Made my own version of M&S pork thingy, lean loin chop, sauce made from brambly apple, shallots and low fat crème fraiche. A pile of veggies and roast squash.

Tuesday: Home made chicken and sweet potato curry. Loads of hidden veggies in it but I blend the sauce before I cook the chicken so that it has the same texture as a take-away curry.

I’m still sticking to 1200 calories a day but I had 1500 on Friday, Saturday and 1800 on Sunday as I had a total munch on for crunchy things. Ended up eating loads of oatcakes, Ryveta minis and crackers :( Things are much better again now but I really don’t know what was the matter with me.

I’m wondering whether it has something to do with the weekend being unstructured. I ended up only eating a yogurt all day Saturday and then oinked loads of crackers as well as my dinner on the evening. I have been very honest with Jack about it but by Sunday (especially with the crappy weather), I was going a bit nuts.

Anyway, in the grand scheme of things it is hardly criminal. The food choices have been very good but I do have the ability to binge on a cardboard box if that was all that was available. I think some of the binge thinking patterns are very much still there and will need lots of work. But, this is better than normal. I even threw those bloody cashew nuts away (I made sure I poured washing up liquid on them so that they were totally ruined) as they had been calling me from the cupboard.

On a more positive note though, I am still walking as much as I can. The weather scuppered me a little on Sunday, it wasn’t just a little wet, the rain was coming down in sheets. My GoGo-Robics just didn’t seem to motivate me. But I checked the mileage of my longer walking route as people were asking me how far I am walking. I just walk as far as I can in the time that I have got. It has been gradually building up to about 1 and a quarter hours but sometimes 1 and a half. I’d assumed that I was walking a couple of miles. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I ‘clocked’ it by car. Six miles! Count ‘em ….. 1…2…3…4…5…6. SIX!! No wonder I am sleeping well, lol. In a month I have gone from the only exercise I was having was walking to the kitchen and back, and being out of breath when I climbed the stairs, to walking 6 miles. The days I haven’t been able to go I have been like a bear with a sore arse. Pardon my French. It certainly is addictive. I know that the walking is making the difference with the weight loss. I have a new goal. My mate has entered me into the Race for Life and I would really like to be able to run the course. I know that I can walk it easily now so the next step would be to try and run. Better watch out for the black eyes! Fancy that though. Me running. If my PE teacher could see me now.

Onwards and downwards.


Ken said...

Hello, good to see you blogging again - I could do with you emailing me. You seem to be making some sense in the head/emotions/food stuff. I could do with picking your brains.You know my address I think. Hang on in there.

Anonymous said...

I think I have left a message before not long after your surgery but I just want to say what an inspration you are to me when I read your blog. I am a week 'younger' than you in my surgery but haven't weighed myself as I get paranoid about it. Don't know what I was pre-op so will find out what I have lost when I got for post op on 27th March.
Well done to you for being so focussed and so succesful!! P.S. What do you do in the NHS? I'm a no longer practising nurse.
Best Wishes

MelonDrama said...

Hi Ken and Suzanne.

Thank you for your support and comments. I still struggle a lot with the 'head hunger' and if I am stressed or bored, the first thing I do is think about food. Ken, you can happily pick my brains ... not sure you'll find much there apart from a dry roasted peanut rattling around inside my skull ;)

Suzanne I am an OT ... for my sins!

Thanks guys,
