Tuesday, 13 March 2007

My mental mind ...

Just a quickie really. I'm trying to keep the blog updated but I'm worried that I don't have all that much to say at the moment. I don't want to turn into a boring blogger now do I?

I just wanted to mention that my head demons are playing havoc at the moment. As I've said before, I have a particularly addictive personality and when I'm not feeding my food addiction, I seem to be feeding my newly reactivated diet one. I know when I'm having unhealthy thoughts about my weight because I start planning ahead with my weight loss. It's totally ridiculous really but I found myself sitting with my diary and working out how much I'll weigh in x number of weeks, months or a year. It's a bad habit that I was determined not to fall back into because it always ends in tears.

I'll end up setting myself silly weight loss targets and then if I don't meet them start to feel really depressed. For example, I'll weigh myself and will have only lost a pound. Instead of being happy that I've lost that pound, I'll be really fed up that I'm now "behind schedule". Utterly ridiculous. I had to give myself a stern talking to and tore out the yearly planner out of my diary. I refuse to get caught up with my mind games.

On a positive note I have received an appointment to see the dietitian this Friday. I'm looking foward to that except that I'll miss my walk. Oh well, must try and be a little less rigid in my exercise planning, lol.

Off to watch more doom and death on the telly - oh sorry, it's just an ITV drama. My mistake.

Onwards and downwards.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say ... well done you... I have loved your blog... so inspirational!!!
What's the latest weigh in update?
And how has the last week been?
You may not feel you have much to say but your humour and frankness is so refreshing, and I look forward to it.
Keep up the good work... onwards and downwards!

MelonDrama said...

Thank you. Those are very inspiring words from you. Sometimes I just need a kick up the backside.

Onwards and downwards.
