Saturday, 10 February 2007

Get Your Go-Go Going

"Blythe wandered around NYC hoping to bump into the world famous Pontani Sisters"

Well, I’ve cheered up and the evil mood has finally lifted. I went back to work yesterday and I’ll admit I was a little anxious about it. However, I’ve got a week of paperwork next week, which although dull, will be good. I’m in the quieter of the two offices, in fact I’ve usually got it to myself, I can stick my radio on and immerse my head in la-la land whilst doing all the mundane stuff. I’m not sure I could cope with hearing everyone else’s problems, not just yet.

I’m still sticking to the vats of soup and smoothies (although not at the same time, that would just taste wrong) and getting loads of water, ‘down me neck’. I had a lucky escape last night thanks to the snow. One of my best mates and his girlfriend were supposed to be driving up from London to stay here on their way to a wedding further north. Out of my mates, I have only told my 2 closest female friends and, in a way, I almost regret doing that. I couldn’t even contemplate telling my best mate, despite being best mates with him since we were 16, as he is such a total girly gossip. I may as well as put out a front page advert in one of the daily papers. I could see the headline,

“Fat Girl, 33 has Lap Band Surgery – A friend of fat girl told the Sun today that she had always been greedy and frankly was surprised that she hadn’t already eaten herself to death. Another friend added, we always knew she had no will-power”

Perhaps I’m too harsh but he always manages to point out that I have put on weight, ever since we were whipper-snappers. Funny that I don’t ever mentioned that he is going bald ;) I know it’s just vanity and pride on my part but, nobody in that circle of friends would a) know anyone else that had undergone surgery and b) approve of me doing it. So the snow saved me from any need to tell porkies. I’m a rubbish liar anyway so it all worked out for the best.

Instead I watched a bit of telly – something that I haven’t really felt strong enough to do before last night. I had my allocated soup and smoothies so it wasn’t too much of a problem. I ended up watching that ’You Are What You Eat’ with that wizened old woman with the funny posture (sorry). In all the time that it has been on, I have totally and utterly avoided it. I think simply because I knew that everything that she had to say to her ‘victims’ would apply, entirely, to me. God, my level of denial and the lengths I’d go to just to avoid being faced with some horrible, home truths is amazing. So, yes, anyway, last night, watched Wednesday’s one about the Scottish lass and the Vicar. Enjoyed it so much that I watched 2 more episodes that were on Teleport TV. Jack stuck his head round the door and announced that he felt I was becoming somewhat ‘obsessed’ by my healthy eating campaign. He does have a point, I’m also reading a book called ‘Bad Food Britain’ which is all about the way the UK refuses to invest in good food, is seduced by the big brand supermarkets, relying solely on over processed and convenience foods and is slowly losing the skills to cook simple, healthy meals from their natural ingredients, whilst becoming increasingly fascinated by ‘celebrity chefs’ and cooking programmes. Sorry, I digress but it’s a great book and is really making me think. Anyway, little does Jack know that I was already obsessed with food but in a totally different way. I haven’t really changed, I still think about food 24 hours a day – yes, 24 hours because I am even dreaming about it at the moment! The difference is I am trying to think about it in a new way. Hence reading the book, it’s already put me off ready meals – even the ‘Just Cook’ ranges and the ‘Taste the Difference’ ranges. Anyway it’s a really well written, witty and provocative read.

What else is happening? On the band front, I feel like everyday I’m feeling physically better. I spoke with the dietician this morning as I’d missed a call from her last night. I feel mean for having a rant about the lack of emotional support now. She is very nice and when I told her about my amazing red-mist and low mood, she confirmed that this was quite normal. Something to do with the lack of carbohydrates and their serotonin stimulating properties. I don’t really understand the science bits :)

So the wounds are healing up, the bruising is now fading and for the past 2 nights I have been able to sleep on my front, which is such a relief. I hate sleeping on my back and it was really making my neck hurt.

Today we went for a little walk into town to B&Q to get a plug adapter that it turned out we didn’t need at all. Let me explain. I was planning to do some exercise at home and had 5 (yes 5) exercise DVDs (3 still in their cellophane wrappers) gathering dust on the shelf. The lounge is too small to do them in and I thought I’d move the dining room table and set up the portable TV and DVD player in the dining room. However, after a hilarious demonstration of Jack jumping up and down on the dining room floor, demonstrating the sound of trainers on our stripped wooden floors, I realised that the neighbours may not be too impressed. Although, I NEVER moan that I can hear her snoring like a demented pig through the night – no I am far too reasonable for that ;) However given the sound made by Jack I was convinced enough to set it up in the kitchen where there is a sturdy tiled floor and ample plug sockets.

Today I attempted Go-Go Robics with the ‘world famous Pontani Sisters’. It was so funny. Jane Fonda never once raised a smile in all of the years I went for the burn with her. This had me in stitches throughout. I did have to keeping pausing it though because I thought I might die but, it certainly worked my ‘go-go’. In the process I learnt several dance steps including, The Hully-Gully, The Mashed Potato and The Pony amongst many more. I didn’t make it to the end but it was just such good fun. I would recommend it to anyone, although it’s an import so check it will work on your DVD player. It was all very burlesque.

So I’m going to try and do the DVDs on the days when the weather is too poo to go out walking in. If for nothing else, but, to sharpen up my ‘Mashed Potato’.

Onwards and downwards.

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